GEOGRAPHY 2050 (2021) Nov 15 Written By Joe Calamari Featured Geography 2050 (2021) The Power of Predictive Modeling in Wildfire Prevention Geography 2050 (2021) Creating Open Data Building Footprints for the Cause of Humanity Geography 2050 (2021) Overlapping Crises in the European Space of Flows Geography 2050 (2021) Equitable Transition to Renewable Energy: A Second Industrial Revolution Geography 2050 (2021) Integrated Satellite Analysis for the Coupling of Cropland and Rangeland Dynamics Geography 2050 (2021) It’s Not an Apocalypse: Communicating Climate Change in a Good Anthropocene Geography 2050 (2021) GEOINT and Tearline: Opportunities for Open-Source Intelligence Geography 2050 (2021) Violences Made Visible by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risks on the Used Territory Geography 2050 (2021) Panel Discussion: Equity and Shelter Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Unprecedented Home Price Increases Affect the Most Vulnerable Geography 2050 (2021) Panel Discussion: Building the Inclusive City Geography 2050 (2021) Keynote: Pursuing Equity is a Team Sport Geography 2050 (2021) Day One Introductions Geography 2050 (2021) Conversations with the Medalists: Mr. William Herbert Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: How Do We Fund Equitable Mitigation and Adaptation? Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: The Social Cost of Hydropower Geography 2050 (2021) Book Review: Who Owns the Wind? Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Using NASA Earth Observations to Enable Open Science with GIS Geography 2050 (2021) Panel: Equitable Maps and Stronger Communities Geography 2050 (2021) Spotlight: The Central Arizona Project and the Taking of Navajo Resources Geography 2050 (2021) Spotlight: Climates of Inequality Geography 2050 (2021) Panel: Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Geography 2050 (2021) Keynote: The Geographic Approach Geography 2050 (2021) Day Three Overview Geography 2050 (2021) Conversations with the Medalists: Dr. Carolyn Finney Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Commuting to Opportunity Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Supporting Equity in Participatory Natural Resource Policy and Management Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: GIS for Equitable Trail Access Geography 2050 (2021) Book Review: Cyclescapes of the Unequal City Geography 2050 (2021) Spotlight Session: Countering Barriers: Practices in Geography for a More Equitable Future Geography 2050 Joe Calamari
GEOGRAPHY 2050 (2021) Nov 15 Written By Joe Calamari Featured Geography 2050 (2021) The Power of Predictive Modeling in Wildfire Prevention Geography 2050 (2021) Creating Open Data Building Footprints for the Cause of Humanity Geography 2050 (2021) Overlapping Crises in the European Space of Flows Geography 2050 (2021) Equitable Transition to Renewable Energy: A Second Industrial Revolution Geography 2050 (2021) Integrated Satellite Analysis for the Coupling of Cropland and Rangeland Dynamics Geography 2050 (2021) It’s Not an Apocalypse: Communicating Climate Change in a Good Anthropocene Geography 2050 (2021) GEOINT and Tearline: Opportunities for Open-Source Intelligence Geography 2050 (2021) Violences Made Visible by the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risks on the Used Territory Geography 2050 (2021) Panel Discussion: Equity and Shelter Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Unprecedented Home Price Increases Affect the Most Vulnerable Geography 2050 (2021) Panel Discussion: Building the Inclusive City Geography 2050 (2021) Keynote: Pursuing Equity is a Team Sport Geography 2050 (2021) Day One Introductions Geography 2050 (2021) Conversations with the Medalists: Mr. William Herbert Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: How Do We Fund Equitable Mitigation and Adaptation? Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: The Social Cost of Hydropower Geography 2050 (2021) Book Review: Who Owns the Wind? Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Using NASA Earth Observations to Enable Open Science with GIS Geography 2050 (2021) Panel: Equitable Maps and Stronger Communities Geography 2050 (2021) Spotlight: The Central Arizona Project and the Taking of Navajo Resources Geography 2050 (2021) Spotlight: Climates of Inequality Geography 2050 (2021) Panel: Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Geography 2050 (2021) Keynote: The Geographic Approach Geography 2050 (2021) Day Three Overview Geography 2050 (2021) Conversations with the Medalists: Dr. Carolyn Finney Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Commuting to Opportunity Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: Supporting Equity in Participatory Natural Resource Policy and Management Geography 2050 (2021) Lightning Talk: GIS for Equitable Trail Access Geography 2050 (2021) Book Review: Cyclescapes of the Unequal City Geography 2050 (2021) Spotlight Session: Countering Barriers: Practices in Geography for a More Equitable Future Geography 2050 Joe Calamari