Ocean Influences Creep Inland - Flood Management in the Louisiana Coastal Zone


Climate change exacerbates flooding in Louisiana, impacting urban and rural areas along the Emit River Basin. The region faces challenges with flood management strategies and environmental justice concerns.


🌊 Coastal influences increase flood risk inland, affecting Louisiana’s Emit River Basin.

🏞️ Topographic justice issues arise across the Emit River Basin, impacting rural and urban communities differently.

🏘️ Environmental justice tensions emerge as flood management strategies favor upstream areas over downstream territories.

🛠️ Flood mitigation efforts remain fragmented and fail to address emerging climate-driven risks.

🌧️ Severe flooding events in 1983 and 2016 underscore the urgency for comprehensive flood management solutions.

🏞️ Basin-wide flood coordination is lacking, leading to topographic injustices and inadequate mitigation efforts.

💡 Calls for basin-wide solutions persist, highlighting the need for collaborative efforts among stakeholders and policymakers.


The Ministry for the Future


Coastal Risk and Resilience