GEOINT 2024 - Meshco | Bryan Fite

Bryan Fite discusses his project on supply chain smoking and the importance of visualization in explaining complex concepts. He believes that the convergence of cyber and physical domains can help reduce the likelihood of attacks and Black Swan events.

📊 Visualization is the best way to explain complicated concepts to stakeholders.

🔒 Point of origin hacking can be exploited by motivated adversaries.

📝 Extortion and ransomware attacks are becoming more prevalent.

🔐 Cyber insurance can help mitigate the risks of ransomware attacks.

🌐 Supply chain "smoking" focuses on modeling complex events and hidden dependencies.

⚙️ Graph databases and machine learning are used to automate and scale the solution.

💡 Planning for failure and understanding hidden dependencies are key to effective risk management.

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#GEOINT2024 #SupplyChainSmoking #CyberSecurity


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