Geography 2050 (2020) The 10 Greatest Challenges Facing the World Ocean: Ocean Deoxygenation


Dr. Natalya Gallo discusses ocean deoxygenation, its causes, and impacts on marine ecosystems. She emphasizes the need for awareness and action to mitigate this issue.


🌊 Ocean deoxygenation results from eutrophication and climate change, reducing oxygen supply and increasing demand.

📉 Global oxygen levels have decreased by 2% since 1950, with projections indicating a 3-4% decrease by 2100.

🌍 Climate policy scenarios show varying degrees of oxygen loss, emphasizing the importance of ambitious action.

🐟 Deoxygenation alters marine ecosystems, affecting species distribution, biodiversity, and fisheries.

🌱 Mitigating actions include sharing knowledge, personal lifestyle changes, and advocating for ambitious policies.

📚 Research on ocean deoxygenation is expanding rapidly, aiming to understand its complexities and inform effective management strategies.

🙌 Empowerment lies in informed action and advocacy at local, national, and international levels to combat ocean deoxygenation.


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