FOSS4GNA 2023 | Serving OGC API Features/Tiles from Postgres with TiPG - David Bitner

David Bitner discusses TiPG, an OGC API features service that serves OGC features and tiles directly from Postgres and PostGIS databases. TiPG leverages the power of PostGIS, FastAPI, and other standard libraries, making it easy to display spatial data without extensive configuration. The project supports various OGC features, enables full filtering using CQL, and utilizes the FastAPI framework for efficient service development. Additionally, Bitner introduces EAPI, an opinionated bundle of tools, including TiPG, for seamless integration. The ease of use, templating capabilities, and support for set-returning functions make TiPG a versatile solution for spatial data services.


🌐 TiPG is an OGC API features service for serving OGC features and tiles directly from Postgres and PostGIS databases.

🛠️ Built in Python, TiPG leverages the FastAPI framework, making service development efficient and customizable.

🔄 EAPI is introduced as an opinionated bundle, combining TiPG with other tools for comprehensive spatial data services.

📊 TiPG supports various OGC features, offers full filtering using CQL, and relies on PostGIS for powerful spatial capabilities.

🚀 FastAPI eliminates the need for building authentication, security, and API documentation tools, enhancing development speed.

🌐 TiPG enables easy deployment with a simple "pip install" or Docker usage, providing instant spatial data services from a Postgres database.

🎨 Templating capabilities allow customization of the user interface around features API, providing a flexible display for spatial data.


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