FOSS4G NA 2023 | Panel - Open Science Meets FOSS4G


FOSS4G NA 2023 panel discussion on "Open Science Meets FOSS4G" explores collaborative efforts between NASA, Earth Mover, NOAA, and Planet in advancing open science and utilizing open-source software.


🚀 NASA emphasizes open science, making data and software openly available. Initiatives include the Open-Source Science Initiative, establishing policies, incentives, challenges, and community engagement.

☁️ Earth Mover, a cloud data platform, focuses on making scientific data more accessible by leveraging open source Python tools, cloud infrastructure, and collaborative efforts like the Pangeo project.

🌐 NOAA's efforts involve collaboration with both open source and commercial communities to bridge gaps, making data accessible to a wider audience, and addressing challenges in transitioning to the cloud.

🛰️ Planet, rooted in open science, operates a satellite constellation for Earth imaging. The company collaborates with initiatives like Norway's Force to fund open data projects, aligning with their commitment to openness.


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